If you have the Spirit of God living in you, you are controlled by the Spirit. ~ Romans 8:9
And Christ lives within you, even though your body will die because of sin. The Spirit gives you life because you have been granted right standing with God. ~ vs. 10
So the Spirit of God, Who raised Jesus from the dead, lives in you. And in the same way, God will put life in your mortal bodies by this same Spirit living inside you. ~ vs. 11
We are not slaves and fearful, but have been adopted as God's own children. We believers are heirs to God's glory through Jesus and must also share His suffering. But our sufferings now do not begin to compare with future glory. ~ vs. 15-17
Who dwells in you? A sinful nature ruled by self? Or a Spirit-filled nature ruled by God?
I pray that this question has been answered in your life already and you are "led by the Spirit of God" and are His child. ~ Romans 8:14
In which case, thank you for being The Fragrance of Christ!